3.28 Panorama of Halocho – Tazria-Metzora 5783

צפיות: 17

A weekly shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas.

The following issues are discussed by Dayan Raskin in this week’s episode:

1) A lady accepted Shabbos early and then realized that one burner under her blech had turned off. Her husband was in Shul and had already davened Maariv early. Is she allowed to ask a Jew – who hasn’t accepted Shabbos – to light her burner for her?[1]
2) May Mikva towels be washed during Chol HaMoed?[2]
3) The Alter Rebbe rules against reheating on Shabbos foods that will ooze fat that will become hot. What about reheating foods that contain moisture?[3]
4) During Chol HaMoed Pesach, on Day Four we leined the reading of Day Five. What should we read on the morrow?[4]
5) In the mitzvah of relating the story of יציאת מצרים, is there a difference between a son or a daughter? [5]
6) On Friday night the stovetop got turned on by mistake and we were anxious that it be dangerous, so we had my one-and-a-half-year-old toddler turn it off. Was that okay? [6]
7) Further on switchover of Chazonim before ובא לציון: that 1st Chazon steps back three steps at end of repetition of Shmoine Esrei: [7]
8) May I grate potatoes on Yomtov with a hand-grater, to make fresh latkes? [8]
9) One discharged from hospital during Shabbos, may be driven home by a non-Jew? [9]
10) May a Goy switch on our electric-urn on Yomtov? [10]

[1] ראה שוע"ר סי' רסג סכ"ה. ורק לענין עשיית עירובין בביה"ש אסור אם התפלל ערבית, כי קיבל עליו עיצומו של יום (שם סי' רסא ס"ג ובקו"א שם).
[2] ראה שו"ע סי' תלו ס"ג; שוע"ר שם ס"כ וכ"א; משנ"ב שם ס"ק לב. פקפוקים בערך השכירות (בכדי שיוכל לברך) – פס"ת ס"ה.
[3] ראה
[4] ראה
[5] ראה.
[6] ראה שוע"ר סי' שמג ס"ה (להרמב"ם: אסור) וס"ו (להרשב"א: מותר) וס"ט (כהרשב"א). שמירת שבת כהלכתה פ"מ הע' קנו [שהמכבה נורה אינו יוצר פחם]. וראה בארוכה ס' ארחות שבת [ח"ב] ר"פ כד.
[7] ראה קצות השלחן סי' כב סי"א.

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